Wednesday, September 08, 2010


I am going to the grocery store today. For me the grocery store is a cross between a mine field and a scavenger hunt. We have four grocery stores in town and they are all nice. I should know, I usually visit at least three of the four on grocery day. I have to, to find everything I need. Grocery stores are the battle zone for our weight problems. The products they stock are there after years of marketing research, taste tests and sales projections. Foods were invented and companies begun because someone found some magical ingredient or ingredients that tickled our taste buds and we had to have it. We are seduced by our own senses every day into eating these manufactured products, engineered to appeal to our cravings. We hardly stand a chance. So much of our weight and health problems start right here. I am the first to admit that I am a total sucker for Sweet Chili Doritos. They have my number there. I like grocery shopping but it takes so long to read the boxes and cans when shopping to see if it is good to eat, to see if there is any food in our food.

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